Local man destroys two-party system by being annoying on Facebook

FACEBOOK COMMENTS SECTION — An unidentified Libertarian who asked to be referred to only by his username, Supreme Meme Man, absolutely demolished the Two-Party System on Friday when he shared an anti-taxation meme from the East Tennessee Libertarian Party meme page.

This assault on the norms of our society was a part of a much larger scaled campaign on the current Two-Party System as well as other contemporary issues like gender equality, racial tension, and why Marijuana should be legal.

The 20-year-old Libertarian man who is white, attends community college, and still lives in his parents’ basement says that he finds it “entertaining” and “stimulating” to dispute politics with generally uninterested people in the comments of random Facebook posts despite everyone else on his friends list saying otherwise.

He also said that he feels it his duty to mediate the political spectrum by making fun of both sides equally. He has even gone on record as saying, “Everyone is dumb and nothing matters anyway so why bother picking a side.”

This great strategy of bystanding actual life-threatening issues and making fun of actual activists on both sides has been proven effective by the fact that after posting memes bashing the Feminist Movement in excess, 12-year-old boys have successfully associated the words “feminism” and “cancer” in the Google Search engine.

According to our unnamed Libertarian keyboard warrior the main goal of his reactionary-based political shoople squad is to promote the spread of facts rather than bias which is why he gets all his information from like-minded people he follows on Twitter. “I just feel that it’s my responsibility to make sure there’s no stupidity roaming around on the Internet. It’s not that I’m anti-stupid, I’m just pro-logic. I just want everyone to see these cold, hard, undisputed facts,” he told me when asked why he posted Black murder statistics in the comments section of a Facebook post about Black Excellence.

When asked about his plans for the future, our anime girl profile picture-wielding, anti-establishment hero said he plans on finishing community college with a Political Science degree, a degree he claims is “very useful” despite calling anyone with an Arts-related major “foolish”.

As for right now he said he is not looking for a job because he’d rather focus on managing his up-and-coming social commentary-based YouTube channel on which he makes fun of social justice and equal rights activists in 20 minute long videos despite only knowing half of the facts.

According to estimates by Supreme Mememan, with the rate at which he currently posts memes, the Two-Party System should be completely abolished by the year 2020.

Godspeed Mememan.