Australian man attacked by shark

On April 3rd a shark attack happened off of the coast of Queensland in Australia. A man was attacked  after a shark attacked a kayak in Australia.

The 39 year old man was 4.9 miles off the coast when a shark struck the kayak and left the man slowly sinking. A police boat rescued the man, who he was uninjured. The man was with a group of eight friends when the kayak was struck.

Every year over 70 shark attacks are reported worldwide. There were 2,899 confirmed unprovoked shark attacks around the world, and 548 of those attacks were fatal.

One infamous attack happened in 2003. Bethany Hamilton,  a thirteen year old surfer, was attacked by a 14-foot-long Tiger Shark. She was surfing along Tunnels Beach, Kauai with her friend Alana Blanchard. The shark severed her left arm just below the shoulder. She was rushed to Wilcox Memorial Hospital in Kauai. Hamilton survived the attack.  

There are two types of shark attacks: provoked and unprovoked attacks. A provoked attack is when a human touches a shark, pokes it, spears, hooks or nets it and a unproved attacked is when a shark starts the attack by circling the prey then eventually striking it.

Since 1791 to the end of 2015, Australia recorded a total of 1,032 shark attacks. This made Australia the highest shark attack country in the world.

In 2016 there were (107) Shark attacks and bites in the United States. The rates of shark attacks and bites has gone up since 2015 by nine. The total number of fatalities is down from nine worldwide to eight. The most bites are off Florida with thirty four bites in 2016. Thirteen bites happened in the New Smyrna Beach Vicinity, a region known as the shark bite capitol of the world.