Masterpiece Cake Shop petitions the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the United States has agreed to hear the case of Colorado baker, Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cake Shop. He is being sued by Dave Mullins and his spouse Charlie Craig for denying them their civil rights. Phillips refused to bake a cake for their wedding in 2012.
When the case was originally filed in 2012 the couple stated that the baker, Jack Phillips, had violated their civil rights by refusing to serve them.
Jack Phillips countered by saying that homosexuality is against his religious beliefs and not only will he refuse anything supporting homosexuality, but extends this refusal to anything Halloween, anti-American ,anti-family, or profane.
The case was initially heard in December of 2013. The court sided with the couple and asked for Phillips to go through re-education classes to learn tolerance and file quarterly-compliance reports for two years.
Colorado state law prohibits public accommodations, including any business such as Masterpiece Cake Shop from discriminating against or refusing service to someone based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, etcetera. Phillips countered in a claim that the First Amendment protects his religious freedom and that denying him this freedom is illegal.
In 2016 Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), an American Christian non-profit organization and Jack Phillips petitioned the Supreme Court to take up Phillips’s case. After the petitions were presented the Supreme Court granted permission to review the case.
The controversy between religious freedom and civil rights groups in the LGBTQ community have been fighting one another continuously for years now. This case may become the precedent that all others are held against.

I am in 11th grade. I would like to become a Cosmetologist/Hair Dresser. I enjoy to write about various things and I wanted to see if I could take it further...