Talking about toys

Talking about toys

Hunter Brooks: What was your favorite toy when you were little?

Mrs: Hernandez: My favorite toy when I was little was Jacks and Chinese jump rope.

HB: Why was this your favorite toy?

MH: I think these were my favorite toys because we got to get together with our friends and play.

HB: Do you still have this toy? Where do you keep it?

MH: No I don’t have them anymore.

HB: Who gave you this you?

MH: My parents bought them for it.


HB: What is your favorite out of the following toys:

  • Paper airplanes
  • Sandcastles
  • My little pony
  • Matchbox cars
  • Clue
  • Magic 8 ball

MH: My favorite out of these is the game Clue. It’s my favorite because I like board games.