A heartwarming story for the start of the holidays
Last month while Kate McClure, 27 was on her way to visit friends in Philadelphia, her car ran out of gas on interstate 95. McClure stopped at the nearest exit ramp and panicked when she realized she had no money.
Johnny Bobbitt Jr., a homeless veteran, was off to the side of the exit ramp holding a sign. McClure said he seemed to notice something was wrong. He told her to get back into the car and lock the doors.
Shortly after Bobbitt returned with a red gasoline container that he had just spent his only twenty dollars to fill. Bobbitt went on to fill her tank and sent her on her way thinking nothing of his kind gesture as to him it was common sense to help the person in need.
This simple act of kindness inspired McClure to launch a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for the man. Within a week of sharing this heartwarming story McClure had thousands of people donating to help Bobbitt get his life on track, now after just a month the fund has raised nearly 400,000 dollars.
According to the fundraising page, McClure stated that she plans to manage the funds and help him pay for the essentials, such as a reliable car, an apartment and food. She says that in this way he will have nothing to worry about besides getting a job and his life back.
When asked about the situation Bobbitt said “I just got her gas to help her get back on her way. I didn’t think anything about it. I wasn’t expecting anything in return. That’s how I got the money to start with, from other people. [I had to] return the favor. I can’t constantly take and not give back.” Bobbitt has even stated that he would like to donate a portion of the funds.
“ He’s very interested in finding a job, and I believe that with a place to be able to clean up every night and get a good night’s rest, his life can get back to being normal,” said McClure.
She believes that all he needs is one little break and he would be able to succeed and do better for himself, and she was certain she could help to provide that break.

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