Henry Cavill out as Superman?
©Warner Bros/courtesy Everett C
BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE, Henry Cavill as Superman, 2016. ph: Clay Enos /© Warner Bros. / courtesy Everett Collection
As reported on Wednesday, September 12, by The Hollywood Reporter, Henry Cavill is out as Superman and won’t be back to reprise his role.
Due to differences in views between Cavill and Warner Bros, Cavill’s future working with the big budget company and being part of the DCEU is questionable.
Cavill being out as Superman was being talked about for about a year before this, after the failure of Justice League, ultimately to be backed up by many WB executives, reporters, and even Cavill himself on why he is still a big part of the DCEU and is going to be playing Superman for many years to come.
According to Cavill’s manager, Dany Garcia via twitter, “Be peaceful, the cape is still in his closet. @wbpictures has and continues to be our partners as they evolve the DC Universe”
This was ultimately followed up by Warner Bros representatives to CNN “While no decisions have been made regarding any upcoming superman films, we’ve always had great respect for and a great relationship with Henry Cavill, and that remains unchanged.”
This has added some hope to Cavill’s future with Warner Bros, but Warner Bros is already looking at other actors to play the role of Superman, like Michael B. Jordan and Matt Bomer, And after a week nothing has been said about Cavill’s return.
One of the reasons for Cavill’s departure was the ‘underperformance’ from his three superman outings. Man of Steel grossed $668 million worldwide, Batman V Superman grossed $873 million worldwide, and lastly Justice League grossed $658 million worldwide.
Even though all of these films made more than enough money to be blockbuster movies, but with WB’s standards these movies underperformed.
Cavill and Warner Bros parting ways isn’t really out of the question since recent negotiations to arrange a cameo in the upcoming Shazam! film fell through, only adding to the troubles on what WB wants to do with Superman.
A few months before this Cavill’s co-star Ben Affleck was also said to have left the role of Batman in the DCEU, but nothing has been said to confirm this yet.

I am a senior at NHS this year, and I would like to pursue a career in acting. I signed up for Journalism so I can understand and write about news from...