Living while black is not a crime
Recently, there has been numerous incidents in which white people have called the police on black people who were trying to live their lives.
On Wednesday, October 10, 2018 a video of Teresa Klein, aka Cornerstore Caroline, surfaced in which she accused nine year old Jeremiah Harvey of allegedly groping her.
Sixty three years ago, the same situation occurred to fourteen year old Emmett Till and he met a horrific fate because of the false accusation which became the face of the civil rights movement.
Day in and day out, African Americans living in America get the cops called on them for just doing what ordinary people are doing like studying, shopping, barbequing, swimming, and parenting.
Jennifer Schulte, BBQ Becky, called the police on two African American men who were grilling with their wives. Schulte claimed they were using a charcoal grill in an area where it was banned.
Stephanie Sebby-Strempel, Pool Patrol Paula, resorted to physically assaulted a young black boy for being in a public pool with his friend´s family.
These are just two examples of white Americans harassing and ruining the lives of African Americans.
African Americans cannot even do ordinary activities. What if it was a white person being reported for a mundane activity?
If it was a young white student that fell asleep while studying no one would have called the police. If it was a white man babysitting two black kids no one would follow them to their house.
Recently, a movie called The Hate U Give was released. In this movie, character Starr´s father Big Mav has a talk with the kids about what to do when being pulled over.
“Starr-Starr, you do whatever they tell you to do,” he said. “Keep your hands visible. Don’t make any sudden moves. Only speak when they speak to you.” (The Hate U Give, 2018).
The fear that African Americans feel when they encounter the police is outrageous but sadly warranted. They are never sure if today is going to be their last day. All they can do is pray that they stay safe.
In 2016, a 32 year old African American man named Philando Castile was shot seven times in front Diamond Reynolds, his girlfriend, and his 4 year old daughter during a traffic stop after informing the officer he was licensed to carry a firearm and had one.
America, the land of freedom and equality but not for those who are not white.
No matter if you´re black, white or hispanic or any other race next time watch what your actions are and don’t judge a book by its cover ever.
Don´t be the next #Cornerstore Caroline, #IDAdam, #PoolPatrolPatty or #JoggerJoe.

I am a senior who would like to be a psychologist or perhaps a detective. I enrolled in Journalism to improve my writing skills. I especially enjoy writing...