Celebrating Women’s History Month – the women who are superheros
For so long the superhero community has been made up of predominantly men. However, these women of the DCTV universe are putting the her in hero by creating Shethority, an online collective that provides a positive platform for women, girls, and their allies to share their experiences and stories globally.
Shethority was launched in July of 2018, and is a site created by women, for women. Its founders, onscreen heroes Caity Lotz (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow) and Candice Patton (The Flash) wanted to combat the stigma that women needed to tear each other down in order to reach the top.
They collaborated with other actresses in the DCTV universe, including Supergirl’s Melissa Benoist and Chyler Leigh, Arrow’s Katie Cassidy, Emily Bett-Rickards and Juliana Harkavy, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’s Maisie Richardson-Sellers and Tala Ashe.
Their motto, “Grow, Empower, Connect” has spread the message that women of all nations should come together and be encouraged to share their stories and ideas freely.
In DCTV there are only one or two woman on each show. However, as the universe has expanded and added many crossovers to the mix, all these women have come together to discuss an initiative of creating a space for women to connect with one another.
“We want it to be a safe space for female-identifying humans,” Shethority member Maisie Richardson-Sellers said, “People can come here, share their stories and be heard.”
The site’s founders and team members have started off the site by sharing their own personal stories, and encourage other women to do the same.
The site is open to all who want to come together and discuss equality, especially for women. Fans and supporters have the opportunity to submit photos, videos, artwork, and articles that spread positive ideas and share their stories.
Co-Founder Candice Patton said, “There’s been a movement of female empowerment and women standing up and asking for what they deserve and demanding respect and equality. Shethority came around the time of the #MeToo and all of these other movements, and I think it has to do with where we are in our society.”
The Shethority collective has also set up a fundraising campaign that is specifically directed towards helping Girls, Inc., a nonprofit organization that provides mentorship, support, and empowerment for young girls and teens.
The website could not have come at a better time, too. Numerous feminist icons are taking the stand, with not only more women in government than ever before, but a group of women on-screen that are proving that saving the world is not just for men.
“Our goal is to create a space where we, as women, can stand up with one another and assume our individual authority, in ways both big and small.” (Shethority.com)

I am a senior at NHS, who would like to pursue a career in education and writing. I took Journalism to improve my writing skills and because I believe...