Man claims to be missing boy; DNA says otherwise
A young boy, by the name Timmothy Pitzen of Aurora, Kentucky was pulled out of school and went missing after his mother was found dead from an apparent suicide in Illinois in May of 2011. A young man has recently come forward claiming to be the missing boy.
Timmothy was last seen at a waterpark in Wisconsin Dells,Wisconsin, staying at a hotel with his mother.
On April 9th, 2019, Brian Michael Rini, age 23, came forward, told officials and FBI agents that he was Timothy Pitzen, who has been missing since 2011.

Rini was found walking the streets of Newport, Kentucky telling police he was the little boy, Timmothy Pitzen, who would be 14 years of age right now.
He told officers and court officials that he escaped from a hotel in the Cincinnati suburb of Sharonville where two kidnappers who he claimed were “white bodybuilders” held him captive for eight years.
Detectives from the Cincinnati Police Department and agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Chicago probed the claims of Michael, who then refused to submit any fingerprints but did agree to a DNA test which later came back that he isn’t who he said he was.
Before and after the DNA testing was sent to the family of Timmothy Pitzen he was still trying to make it aware he was in fact this young boy who went missing years ago although his swab does not match the parents at all.
Brian Michael Rini is now going to jail on no bond for lying to a federal agent and going against federal law.
On Rini’s court date a civil officer, Karen Litkovitz was concerned that he is a flight risk based on his previous criminal and mental health records.
Rini told officers he indeed posed as Timmothy Pitzen to get away from his own family and father.

I am a senior who would like to study criminology in college. I enrolled in Journalism to practice my writing skills and to become more informed.