Alex Trebek begins treatment again
Alex Trebek, the host of the game show “Jeopardy,” has resumed chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer. Trebek told “Good Morning America” on September 17th that after a short period of remission, his numbers shot up, so he has decided to resume treatment for redundancy.
The 79 year old has never missed a day on the show since becoming host in 1984. He plans to keep it that way.
“I’ve got a couple million people out there who have expressed their good thoughts, their positive energy directed toward me and their prayers.”
“I realize that there is an end in sight for me, just as there is for everyone else. One line that I have used with our staff in recent weeks and months is that when I do pass on, one thing they will not say at my funeral is, ‘Oh, he was taken from us too soon,” he said about his own future.
Trebek is not afraid of passing as much as the effect it will have on his family.
“Hey guys. I’m 79-years-old. I’ve had one hell of a good life. And I’ve enjoyed it … the thought of passing on doesn’t frighten me, it doesn’t. Other things do, the effect it will have on my loved ones … it makes me sad. But the thought of myself moving on, hey folks, it comes with the territory.”
Trebek’s contract with “Jeopardy” expires in the year 2022.
“I have to host Jeopardy for three more years! So help me. Keep the faith and we will win.” He desperately wants to continue to host Jeopardy and wants to be there for both the hosts and the audience.
“As long as I can walk out and greet the audience and the contestants and run the game, I’m happy.”

I am in the 12th grade. I took this class to stay updated on the news and improve my writing. In the future I want to pursue a career as a sports psychologist.