Hill resigns from her House seat; clear sign of misogyny
On Sunday, Katherine Lauren Hill (32), a Democratic Representative for California, announced her resignation from Congress following recent allegations that she had improper relations with a campaign staffer before taking office. Hill’s resignation has also sparked conversations about biphobia because she was one of the only openly bisexual members in Congress.
“This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but I believe it is the best thing for my constituents, my community, and our country,” Hill said in a statement.
She also made a powerful statement about the misogynistic culture that led to her downfall. She promised to continue fighting “for a future where this no longer happens to women and girls.”
The California congresswoman has acknowledged that she had a consensual relationship with a younger female campaign aide before she took office. She denied the second allegation that she was romantically involved with a Congressional aide. Her estranged husband, Kenny Heslep, was the first to accuse her of wrongdoing.
Katie Hill’s soon to be ex-husband, Kenny Heslep, weaponized nude photos of her that were then published to a conservative media outlet without her consent. He also released numerous private text messages to outlets.
The non-consensual release of sensitive photos sometimes referred to as revenge porn is “often a form of domestic violence.”
Duncan Hunter, a Republican lawmaker, has engaged in five affairs, including one with his staffer, and he is still in office.
President Donald Trump has had about twenty-five sexual misconduct allegations and he was still elected. Trump has not yet resigned from the office of president.
By running Katie Hill out of office, Republican men are not only challenging her, but they are also challenging all women. These men are sending the message that if women attempt to come into the office and disrupt the status quo, they will do whatever they can to slander and defame them.
“Yes, I am stepping down, but I refuse to let this experience scare off other women who dare to take risks, who dare to step into this light, who dare to be powerful,” said Hill.
Hill does not want her resignation to discourage young girls from going into office, it’s a reason for young girls to work harder to prevent sexism and misogynistic culture in politics.

I am a senior in Journalism 3. I plan to be a neurologist and I decided to take journalism again because I love writing about topics I'm passionate about...