Samantha Rodriguez


Nicole Healy: What was the best part of High School?

Samantha Rodriguez: I feel like getting accepted to college will be the best part of my high school experience.

NH: What was the worst part?

SR: Definitely how challenging some of the courses are.

NH: What is one regret you have in high school?

SR: I regret not joining more sports.

NH: If you could go back and change one thing, what would you change?

SR: I would’ve stuck with track because it got me more involved, challenged me, and helped me balance school work with after school activities.

NH: If you could repeat one thing you liked, what would you want to do again?

SR: Anatomy. It was the best class because I really liked the dissections and I’m interested in medicine so that was my favorite class.

NH: Are there any faculty or staff you will miss?

SR: Mr. Sendra, Mrs. Lancaster, Mrs. Dymond… I honestly like all the teachers I’ve had.

NH: What are your plans for next year?

SR: I want to go to college and study bio-mechanical engineering and hopefully be able to work in a lab.

NH: What are you most excited for in college?

SR: I’m excited to begin a new chapter of my life.