Amber Luis

Nicole Healy: What was the best part of high school?

Amber Luis: the best part of high school was joining the color guard and making all the friends I have now because of the marching band and guard.

NH: What was the worst part of high school?

AL: The politics of it, like the cliques that people make and the drama they cause.

NH: What is one regret you have?

AL: One regret I have is not taking AP classes my sophomore and junior years and taking honors courses instead.

NH: If you could do one thing you liked over again, what would you choose?

AL: I would definitely do my senior year winter guard championship show over again, we won so it was an amazing feeling to be on top.

NH: Are there any teacher or staff members that you have gotten close with?

AL: The teacher I was very close with was Mr. Aldrich, and unfortunately he passed away. He was such a caring individual and he was almost like a father figure to me so it was a really hard thing for me when he left. He was one of the greatest teachers in this school.

NH: What are your plans for next year?

AL: I am undecided as far as my major but I am pretty sure I will be attending Sacred Heart University.

NH: What are you most excited for after high school?

AL: I’m most excited to do international guards, I’m planning to join the Seventh Regiment, but I’m also excited to have some more free time. I’m just really excited for the new experience that college will bring.