“Yeah, This Sucks,” Says Local Optimist


Lee Young, the resident self-love enthusiast and “good vibes” promoter, has reportedly put down her sage and come out her meditation chamber to say “This… is like, totally not good dude.”

“Yeah, this sucks,” she told us last Friday. “Our beautiful Mother Planet is being killed by corporate dogs and those fascist pseudo-Conservative hawks in Congress are trying to take my medical marijuana card away! Next thing you know they’ll be illegalizing free love!”

While the world’s stressful current state of affairs is not the worst it’s been in history, the direct repercussions of the CIA’s happy-go-lucky adventures through South America and the Middle East and the strained relations between the US and literally the rest of the world are enough to bring worry to even the most jovial of optimists.

“These are dark times, my friend,” Ms. Lee Young said. “I may have survived that dog Nixon’s war on Mary Jane but these days the only thing I can see when I open my Third Eye is darkness.”

Although historically the optimistic Lee Young has been an advocate of group harmony, she now says she is in support of “not going outside” and “staying away from everyone”.

According to Young the amount of possible dangers outside of her home is incredibly stress-inducing.

“All this stress is really messing up my Chi man,” Young told us while pouring a cup of organic green tea. “I’m going to have to reset my Chakra soon.”

Ms. Lee Young leaves us with a final thought: “this would have never happened if we just stuck to communes.”