Snoop Dogg’s newest video causes controversy

On March 12, 2017, Snoop Dogg released a music video that created much controversy. The video was titled, “Lavender” and it stirred up lots of controversy because of one scene. In the video it shows the current president, Donald J. Trump portrayed as clown “Ronald Klump”, and he is then shown being shot by Snoop dogg.

However, many Trump supporters and general public found this message very offensive and unprofessional. The music video was based of the death of an unarmed citizen, Philando Castile who himself was a victim of police brutality.  
Snoop Dogg over the past two decades has shaped the music industry in many ways.  He has even influenced the way that some artists portray their music now.

He has built a very impressive career as a rap artist by turning many of his freestyles into songs. These songs that he wrote can be reached out to many different audiences, thus making him a very well liked artist. However, behind Snoop Dogg’s music there is a background most people don’t know about.

From a young age, he was affiliated with gangs and had been in and out of jail  numerous  times before finally deciding to pursue a career as a rapper. Differing from other rappers, Snoop Dogg would take his real life situations and turn those into raps by simply freestyling.  

When asked about what the meaning behind the song “Lavender” Snoop said that he was “making a song that was not controversial but real – real to the voice of the people who don’t have a voice.” Snoops wanted to relay a real message rather than one the audience would not be able to see the true meaning behind.

For some critics the video did not appeal to their liking in any way. There were many Americans that also did not agree with the message.

Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen stated that, “If you have a protest, that’s fine. Make a point. But he has to learn that they have to respect the office of the presidency. Just because you want to hide behind the guise of artistic capabilities or artistic freedom of speech, doesn’t make it right, and Snoop knows that, and he played very close to the line here”.

Critics have said that the video showed no sign of professionalism, and that the artistic value of some aspects in the music video was not in any way funny. Furthermore, Snoop Dogg’s music video has definitely caught the eyes of many, whether or not that was his objective. It just goes to show that in modern day society something so simple could result in such a complex situation.