James and Durant respond to criticism from the right

Lebron James is a basketball player that plays with the Cleveland Cavaliers. Last month James was the youngest player to get 30,000 points in his career.

During a 17 minute interview with ESPN broadcaster Cari Champion and Kevin Durant from the Golden State Warriors, James was discussing his family, personal growth and the challenges that come with being black and a public figure in America. He, then mentioned Trump.

“You brought up Mohammad Ali which I was interesting and you guys talk about hate and criticism, we are at a watershed moment in this country and we cannot not deny that we are very divided especially in the political arena. Warriors said if we have an invite were not going to the white house. Lebron you called the president a bum. How do you describe the climate for an athlete with a platform now a days that want to talk about what’s happening in our world?” asked Chapman to James.    

“It’s not even a surprise when he says something, it’s like, laughable. It’s laughable, and it’s scary.”

“I feel like our country is not run by a great coach,” added Durant.

Later on during the car ride he talked about the incident at his home in California, when the gate to his house was sprayed with a racial slur.

“I’m a black man with a bunch of money and having a crib in Brentwood and having the word ni—- spray painted over my gate, that lets you know that I ain’t too far removed and I still got a lot more work to do. And no matter how far, money, or access, or how you become the life of a African American man, female they will always figure out a way to let you know that you still beneath them. And it’s either one or two things at that point. You either cave in that notion or you just chalk it up and say you know what ima paint over this god damn gate and ima make it taller.”

His comments went viral after Fox News host, Laura Ingraham, berated Lebron James and Kevin Durant’s comments about President Trump.

“This is what happens when you attempt to leave high school a year early to join the NBA and its always unwise to get political advice from someone who gets paid 100 million dollars a year to bounce a ball. Oh and lebron and Kevin your great players no one voted for your, millions voted for trump to be their coach so keep the political commentary to yourself or someone once said shut up and dribble.”  

James responded during the NBA All-Star Weekend new conference.

“We will definitely not shut up and dribble. I would definitely not do that. I mean too much to society, I mean too much to the youth, I mean too much to so many kids that feel like they don’t have a way out and they need someone to help them lead out the situation their in. Also wished she did a little more fact checking cause I did finish high school and didn’t leave early I graduated high school. “

Durant, later, would release a statement to Ingraham.

“It didn’t hit me. Ignorance is something I try to ignore. That was definitely an ignorant comment. I do play basketball, but I am a civilian and I am a citizen of the United States, so my voice is just as loud as hers, I think – or even louder. I can’t focus on that. I think we’re doing some good things out here, using our platform, and I think what me and LeBron did with Uber (and UNINTERRUPTED) the other day when it came out, I thought it was great. I thought a lot of people enjoyed it. I got so many encouraging texts from it. A lot of people enjoyed what we had to say, a lot more than just politics, which we didn’t even talk about. It’s just life that we talked about. My whole thing is I can’t dwell on that, and I can’t let that distract me from the real goal at hand, which is to continue to encourage and empower people around the world.”

James posted a picture on Instagram and it said “I Am More Than An Athlete.”

Before the All-Star game james wore custom made Air Force 1 planes. On the side of the shoe, it says “MORE THAN AN ATHLETE” referring to Ingraham comments.