Celebrating Women’s History Month – the woman who created the doll that is special to many

For the last 60 years Ruth Handler has changed the world for kids all over with her most famous invention called The Barbie Doll. She created the perfect play toy for little girls all over the world. But the world famous name Barbie was more thought out and closer to heart than you think. She named the doll after her daughter Barbara.

Her Barbie Doll invention doesn’t just stop with every girl having any race they can imagine. More and more dolls are still being created. Different shapes and sizes and even the newest collection with disabilities and prosthetic limbs for the kids that are different but still beautiful.

With the new Barbie collection, fans want new accessories to match and fit the dolls’ wheelchairs. Could it be that the new Barbies can be improved even more?

The best part about the Barbie doll that Ruth Handler invented is that there is no restriction to who can play with them. Any age and any gender can use them, even to just collect all the new and old Barbies ever invented.

In fact the Curriculum Director here at Naugatuck High School, Mrs. Caroline Messenger is a big Barbie doll fan and has been ever since she was six years old. It was always by her side.

“Barbie gave me opportunities to play out things that were happening in my life,”  she said in an interview with The Greyhound News.

Barbie has taught Ms. Messenger to socialize and defend herself in hard situations. With that, the way she looks at Barbie and her new look doesn’t change the way she feels about the doll and the point behind her.

“Everything changes, why shouldn’t Barbie? All children should have toys that reflect who they are, toys they can relate to on many levels. Change is good, and if changes make Barbie more accessible to other children, then the change is benefiting children,” Messenger said.

From the start the Barbie doll has been a hugely popular toy;  there was nothing like the doll when she first came out and this new expansion just shows that her significance remains as she reaches out to all audiences.

Handler’s legacy to all kids still continues with the simple thought of wanting to change her own daughter’s play toys to everyone’s all over the world.

In honor of Women’s History Month, Ruth and Barbie deserve so much praise.