Woman arrested for DUI twice in one day
On the afternoon of September 7th, Ellen Needleman-O’Neill, 64, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, according to Wilton police. Later that night, after she was released with a written promise to appear in court, Needleman was arrested again under a DUI and driving with a suspended license.
Initially, a complainant called in a woman believed to be driving while intoxicated. Needleman-O’Neill then crashed her car in a parking lot near 5 River Road.
“Police detected an odor of alcohol coming from Needleman-O’Neil and conducted field sobriety tests, which officers said she failed,” reported NBC Connecticut.
When officers tested her Blood Alcohol Count it was about .23, which is nearly triple the legal limit of .08. She was charged with a DUI and possession of a controlled substance for the pain killers that were found in her purse. Wilton police officers released her after a written promise to appear at a future hearing.
Six hours after she was released, her vehicle was found on Old Farms Road at the liquor store, as she was heading back home at around 8:20 p.m.
Once police reached the scene, Needleman-O’Neill allowed the officers to conduct a field sobriety test once again. Her results were still over the legal limit, 0.09, leading to her second arrest.
“For the second incident, she was charged with DUI, operating a motor vehicle while the right to drive is revoked, unregistered motor vehicle and driving without a license,” officers said.
The sixty-four-year-old posted her $230 bond and was released. She is scheduled to appear in Norwalk Superior Court on September 17.
The conviction will remain active on her record for 10 years. Due to the fact that she was convicted twice in the same day, Needleman could face up to 2 years in prison, $4,000 in fines, and 100 hours of community service as a penalty

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I am a senior in Journalism 3. I want to be a Pediatric Physician Assistant. I continued to take Journalism because I love writing articles to let people...

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