NHS celebrates National Coming Out Day

Friday October 11th marks National Coming Out Day, a time when any members of the LGBTQIA+ community can come out or feel free to celebrate who they are and embrace their sexuality. Last Friday Naugatuck High School’s Gay Straight Alliance took part by throwing a pride celebration for all students and staff in the main lobby.

The event featured seven different tables for as many pride activities, as pride flags adorned on the walls. 

The first table was a raffle for an opportunity to win some flags while pins were also passed out. Participants could also make their own flag through coloring a blank mini one or  making a custom pin at two different tables. This appeared to be a fan favorite after talking to participants.

National Coming Out Day was originally celebrated on October 11th of 1988. One of the most notable organizations that support this event is the Human Rights Campaign. This organization is known for having themes each year to spread the event. 

Other ways this day is celebrated include parades, marches, and overall celebrations in worldwide areas including the United States, Ireland, London and Japan. It is a day to fight the stigma behind homosexuality and end the oppression of diverse love. As time goes on the event is more widely embraced and celebrated as seen this year at NHS.

The event was not limited to LGBTQIA+ pride; identity pride, such as birthplace and culture was also celebrated. This was showcased through the where are you from table featuring a map and the proud to be poster table where phrases like “Proud to be Human” could be seen. 

At the Wheel of Luck visitors had a chance to win school swag bracelets as well. Students were sure to take pictures at the photo table to remember the event.

“This day is important for me because I wanted this kind of day when I was in high school, and I didn’t have the kind of community to make that happen. I am so grateful we have this kind of community that can make this happen,” said Mr. Ziegler, one of the co-advisers of GSA.

“It’s finally the day that people who have come out, or want to come out can actually express it without barely any judgement. Coming from a family with two moms, it really does help on my end,” said Nate, an NHS Senior. his favorite activity was the proud to be poster. He explained this choice when he said, “Even if your not in the community, or don’t have any correlation to the community, even if you’re just proud to be human. You can be proud to be something” 

“This day to me is celebrating all aspects of who you are and what makes you, you,” Emma, an NHS junior explained.  Her favorite activity was the make your own flag.

“This day means that I can be who I am, and that I can be proud of that,” said Jacob, an NHS Senior. His favorite activity was the proud to be poster.

“This day means being able to show everyone who you really are and coming out to everyone so they can see who you are,” said Sam an NHS Junior,  whose favorite activity was making the flags.

“It means being proud of yourself, being happy as you are, and being in a loving community.” explained Ciana an NHS Sophomore, whose favorite activity was making the flags and the wheel spin.

“This means being able to be yourself, letting others know you are you and not something else,” said Amelia, an NHS Sophomore, whose favorite activity was also making flags as well as the wheel spin.

Overall, this event was a fun event for both LGBTQIA+ youth and other students to have a good time and be proud to be who they are. It holds a very positive message with a safe and welcoming environment that many can appreciate. This celebration went very well and will hopefully return in the years to come.