The Young Feminists Club makes its debut in NHS
The Young Feminist Club is a new club at Naugatuck High school that was founded by sophomore, Medeea Ionescu, in September. The club initiated with only seven girls, and now has over twenty members from varying races, ages and genders.
This club is also completely student run; the conversations are led by the students while the two advisers, Mrs. Dymond and Ms. Norcross, listen in.
Their discussions will typically begin with a member presenting a topic that they’re intrigued by and want to pursue a discussion in; these topics vary from politics, the pay gap and social norms. During their meetings they try to be inclusive by identifying issues that aren’t talked about enough, such as issues that transgender, women of color, and disabled women deal with. While they have these discussions occur they make sure to hear everyone’s opinion, and respect everyone’s viewpoints.
In an in interview with Mrs. Dymond, the club advisor and a teacher at Naugatuck High school, she said, “I have always wanted to create a safe place for girls and allies to discuss some of the systemic problems that arise for them in a society that has always favored men in the past.”
This club has allowed girls at Naugatuck High school to have an outlet to voice their outlooks on numerous issues.
“This club is about spreading awareness to current issues that are happening to women and how their lives are being affected and voicing our opinions on how we feel about those issues in a safe environment,” said Emma Curtiss, a member of YFC.
Additionally, this club’s goal has been to educate and inform people about major issues and their concerns while they also try to find solutions to these issues. In addition Mrs. Dymond said, “Oh my. I so look forward to listening every week. It is so hard to keep my mouth shut because I want the members to run the discussions!”
When asked how this club has changed them, the same member from earlier also said “I gained more knowledge in this group and also found it comforting that a lot of the girls had the same view on things as I did and it’s changed me by making me become a better advocate for women’s rights and become more involved in what’s going on out there.”
Medeea Ionescu, the founder of the NHS Young Feminist Club, said in an interview “Feminism is not only about women. It’s about equality for all genders and minorities! One of the things that we want to fight for is to show that men can be a part of this as well; it shouldn’t be shameful to call yourself a feminist.”
This club is an opportunity for people to listen to other people’s views and become more aware about problems in today’s society and the struggles that all people deal with. The Young Feminist Club meets every Thursday at 2, and the code to their google classroom is rgighwr.

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