NHS GSA values support, kindness and pride

On Thursday, October 7th, the Gender and Sexuality Alliance will be holding a pumpkin decorating contest. This contest will award the best pumpkins. For example, prizes will go to the best pumpkin, the funniest, the scariest, and more. The pumpkins will be set out in the NHS courtyard pumpkin patch.
GSA has held many other events honoring pride, such as National Coming Out Day and a pride fair. They also want to hold many fundraisers in order to fund future events. GSA also wants to hold other events like a pride prom.
“GSA wants to help our school and students understand that who they are is the best they are; it doesn’t matter what you are as long as you are comfortable in your own skin. Once you’re comfortable with yourself and know that this is who you are, you really learn to grow as a person and often become a helping hand to others,” said Ciana Cruz, a senior at NHS and a member of GSA in an interview with The Greyhound News.
A core value of GSA, according to What Is a GSA Club, is kind phrases and knowing you can be open about yourself is very important. Also, supportive words are always great to hear, knowing you can be yourself and feeling comfortable being yourself is always the best step to victory!
In GSA, students should feel accepted and proud of themselves, according to advisor Mrs. Brennan. She has been involved with GSA for 10 years and supports different initiatives and projects as they are needed.
“The main focus is to embrace and support the shared goals of all LGBTQ+ students and allies at NHS,” says Brennan.
She loves bringing positive experiences to members and to the larger school community and wants to have true acceptance and celebrations of all sexual minorities at NHS.
“It’s important that respect and understanding exist throughout our learning community and not just in some ‘safe spaces,’” says Brennan.
GSA wants students to know that they are all welcomed and very supported in every opinion and decision that they have/make.
“I think anytime we are invited to be part of something big and are embraced for who and what we are, we feel valued and in turn feel our best,” said Brennan. “The ‘come as you are’ tone of our group, the ‘you are enough’ message sent between allies and LGBTQ+ youth comes through in everything our members do. How they talk, think, share, write, plan. There is a tremendous amount of mutual respect and love at the heart of who we are and what we do as a club.”
Those messages help students grow; it helps them talk, share true feelings and have the biggest amount of comfort through what the Gender and Sexuality Alliance is.
GSA meets every Thursday at 2:05 in N125. Join them!

I am a Senior. I chose to take Journalism because I love writing non-fiction. I want to go to a 4 year college to study either writing or psychology.