Harris reveals her plan to help all American workers

On Monday October 7, 2019 Senator Kamala Harris launched a new initiative that calls for six months of paid family and medical leave for all workers. Senator Harris eyes these issues as of the utmost importance and have become a major part of her campaign. 

While going on tour for a 3 day campaign across the state of Iowa, Senator Kamala Harris launched the new proposal that would provide all workers with six months of paid family and medical leave. 

Senator Harris takes action for her proposal by providing paid leave to every type of employment, including those self-employed. An addition to Harris’ campaign anyone has the ability to take advantage of this pay leave especially to those making less than $75,000 a year to gain that full wage.

Senator Harris took to Twitter after releasing her new plan saying, “It’s the smart thing to do and the right thing to do.“ 

A Harris administration would create the Office of Medicare Leave and Paid Family. The office would be responsible for the program and workers on leave would be protected from retaliation.

Currently as the only country in the civilized world with  no current policies and protections, Senator Harris’s campaign allows this opportunity for every American.  

Senator Harris believes the new policy will be, “Guaranteeing six months of paid leave will bring us closer to economic justice.”

Senator Harris also promises to make children a top priority, throughout her decision making. While also reducing child poverty. 

Continuing with a follow up of her new proposal, LIFT the Middle Class Act. Senator Harris strongly believes these concerns should be passed to the Legislative Branch.

The public puts their opinions on recent polls, how they see Harris’s approach being less dedicated to most of the concerns we’re currently facing with insurances. Senator Harris plans to sticking to the same end goal.

Former Vice President, Joe Biden questioned how any candidate could promise “ Medicare-For-All.” And pay for it without a tax increase on the middle class. 

As a Democratic Representative, Senator Kamala Harris pushes a formal plan to change the nation by launching two of her biggest priorities in her campaign. Senator Harris’ idea towards Paid Leave policy pushes under the Trump Administration.