New sanitary product bill passes as part of advocacy legislation
New York – A new bill has been officially passed regarding new sanitary product regulations. The bill was proposed by Assembly member Linda B. Rosenthal and later, cleared by committee in June of 2018.
However, the bill wasn’t fully passed until October 11th otherwise known as Day of the Girl. When New York Governor Cuomo cleared it for the final time, the bill will officially be a law as part of the “Period Poverty” Advocacy Legislation in the new decade, 2020.
This bill will now make companies to list all ingredients so that women are aware of what they are putting in their bodies. This listing will help prevent allergic reactions and other medical issues that may be caused due to chemicals and other compounds put into tampons and pads.
Previously, companies have not been required to follow this procedure due to these products being listed as medical products, even though they are widely sold to the general public for their needs.
Manufacturers will be provided with 18 months to update all packaging in production to abide by this incoming law.
Concerns have spread over time as more of the public becomes more aware of physical wellness and demand vegan and paraben, chemical free ingredients. With issues involving sanitary products including Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), allergic reactions on tissue and private areas, and other health related conditions as a result of unlisted chemicals and no information on the menstrual products people are using.
Toxic Shock Syndrome is a life threatening complication arising from sanitary products and is caused from infection. This complication is very dangerous and involves the poisoning of the blood. Symptoms include a high fever, vomiting, and other flu like symptoms that move very fast in the body. This condition from certain products and their ingredients can and have resulted in death. It was a highly serious issue in the past more so in the past and is no very rare but still occurs for some menstruating women.
Rosenthal and Cuomo are proud to protect against these hazards.
“Today my bill was signed into law making NY the FIRST STATE IN THE NATION to require ingredient disclosure on menstrual product packaging. We have a #righttoknow what’s in tampons & pads. I’m thrilled to lead NYs charge to achieve real #MenstrualEquity #detoxthebox #DayoftheGirl.” She tweeted in celebration, as many Twitter users were happy to rejoice.
Coumo had his own victory statement.
“This #DayoftheGirl, I am proud to sign legislation making New York the first state to require ingredient disclosure, ending an injustice and empowering women to make their own decisions about what goes into their bodies.” Added on Twitter.
Day of the Girl originated from advocacy of female youth, to promote the positive message of celebrating girls and women in the lives that they lead. It also supports women’s equality for stepping into their own in terms of strength and leadership. This bill passed on a very meaningful day.
Though this law has only been passed in New York, the hope is to make it national for the safety and health of all women.
I am a senior at NHS. I am taking Journalism 2 because I hope to be a writer in the future and I am truly passionate about writing.