President Trump addresses the UN General Assembly
On September 18 at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York, President Donald J. Trump once again made history with his first address to the UN General Assembly.
Trump’s “America First” doctrine promoting speech caused a stir in various political parties and nations; primarily that of North Korea.
During his address, Trump spoke on North Korea, pointing out its use of banned nerve agents in early February, the kidnapping of a 13 year old Japanese girl in 1977, and the recent death of Otto Warmbier.
Trump then spoke on the highly controversial subject of North Korea’s nuclear program, referring to Kim Jong Un as “rocket man” after threatening to “totally destroy” the hermit nation. He also stated that “denuclearization is the only acceptable future.”
This speech followed another round of major sanctions against the rogue state.
Trump continued talks about nations which may pose a threat, bringing up the repeal of the Iranian nuclear deal and the Syrian refugee crisis, even praising the nations of Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon for hosting refugees, contradicting his ardent support of restricting and preventing the entrance of refugees into the United States.
Though a large portion of Trump’s speech was focused on addressing dangerous regimes and their supporters in the UN, he also touched on many other important agenda issues, such as radical Islamic terrorism, reviving the middle class, and creating strong independent nations across the board.
Following in step with his “America first” doctrine, Trump vehemently promoted increasing the independence of each nation in the UN.
“If we are to embrace the opportunities of the future and overcome the present dangers together, there can be no substitute for strong, sovereign, and independent nations, even quoting a Truman speech referring to “independent strength of its members,” he stated.
While speaking on terrorism, Trump stated that “In Syria and Iraq, we have made big gains toward lasting defeat of ISIS. In fact, our country has achieved more against ISIS in the last eight months than it has in many, many years combined,” in reference to the sharp increase in US airstrikes on ISIS controlled areas or Syria and Iraq since Trump gained the presidency. He also later referred to radical Islamic sects as “the looser terrorists”
This however, is surrounded by its own controversy as Syrian state run and other media outlets have claimed that US airstrikes have taken upwards of thousands of civilian lives.
While on the subject of the middle class, Trump brought the focus back to changes on the homefront, speaking on the increase of American jobs since the beginning of his presidency and his work towards reviving the American economy by tackling “mammoth multinational trade deals, unaccountable international tribunals, and powerful global bureaucracies.”
President Trump can also be seen briefly speaking about women’s empowerment, the imbalance in UN support (referring to the United States supplying 22% of the UN budget), and uncontrolled immigration throughout his address.
Many of the nations Trump commented on have since retorted angrily at the president for the egregious claims made against their nations, such as stating that the Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran are committing human rights violations against their own people
However we have yet to see what if anything will come out of the address and its relatively combative tone.

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