NHS celebrates its top 5%


Photo Credit: Mrs. Weschler

On April 20, 2022,  Naugatuck High School hosted its annual Jacket Ceremony, honoring students who earned an academic average placing them in the top 5% of their class. 

Unlike the last few years with COVID restrictions, the students in grades 10-12 were able to have their family, friends and favorite staff members cheering them on in the audience. 

The Jacket Ceremony had its origins in 1986 when the varsity jacket was a status symbol. Naugatuck High school’s former principal, Richard Nabel, decided that our top students also deserved the recognition and status that the athletes had. 

“I think [the Jacket Ceremony] is one of the best things we do in this building; it’s a group of students who deserve even more recognition than that,” said Mrs. Carolyne Dymond, an English teacher at NHS.  

At the ceremony, students being honored for the first time received a jacket while those who are being honored for their second and third time received chevrons to place on their jackets. 

Graduating seniors selected a staff member to speak on their behalf. Through a series of amazing speeches, the teachers expressed their gratitude, admiration, and wished the students the best in the post secondary high school plans. 

“It’s always really hard for me [to give the speech] for two reasons: I am actually afraid of public speaking and I want to give the students what they deserve. It’s a lot of pressure, but I love doing it,” continued Mrs. Dymond. 

Teachers were not the only people who spoke at the ceremony. The superintendent for the Naugatuck district, Christopher Montini, John Harris, the principal of Naugatuck High School and Meghan Arnink, the branch manager of Ion Bank also gave speeches.  

The Jacket Ceremony is sponsored by Ion Bank. 

As a jacket and chevron recipient, I always looked forward to the Jacket Ceremony because I felt honored for my academic achievement and years of hard work at the ceremony. I was also very excited to cheer on the newest jacket recipients and underclassmen. Many of my friends also felt the same way. 

“I, of course, feel very grateful for being a part of the top 5%. I think that it’s not only an expressive showcase of my hard work but it internally motivated me to continue my school ethics with diligence and purpose, “ said Tiffany Nguyen, a senior at Naugatuck High School.

The Jacket Ceremony should continue forever. It is a special ceremony that honors student’s hard work and dedication to learning. 

“On an additional note, because our class is so competitive it’s hard to give recognition to many of the intellects who also have high gpas. But I’m really proud of everyone in our graduating class who has worked hard,” continued Tiffany Nguyen.