NHS Student Council holds first Leprechaun-A-Thon
Photo Credit: Mrs. Laraine Weschler
The Naugatuck High School Student Council introduced a new event, Leprechaun-A-Thon. The goal was to sell 50 shirts with the profits going to a scholarship and a bench in honor of Mr. Walsh. However, thanks to an enormous amount of support, the Student Council sold nearly 130 shirts, and raised over $1,500. Through a four-day event, Student Council boosted school spirit while also raising money for a great cause.
“We hosted this event in honor of Mr. Walsh, a beloved teacher and friend to myself and others. St. Patrick’s Day was his favorite holiday,” said Mr. Varanelli, a social studies teacher at NHS and one of the student council advisors.
Mr. Tim Walsh was a popular social studies teacher at Naugatuck High School for 24 years. He began his career at Naugatuck High School in 1996. Unfortunately, NHS lost him in September 2020 after a long battle with cancer.
During the four-day event, the Student Council team hosted games, raised money, and wore green in support of St. Patrick’s Day.
On Monday March 14th, the first day of the event, Student Council members helped sell other St. Patrick’s Day memorabilia. There were clover necklaces, bracelets, green pens, tattoos and more. Decorations were also placed in the lobby and on doors to welcome students with school spirit.
On Tuesday, Mr. Varanelli hid ten Leprechauns around the school and those who were lucky enough to find them received prizes.
On Wednesday, the student council team hosted a gold coin toss in the main lobby and due to popular demand, Mr. Varanelli hid more leprechauns.
On Thursday, St. Patrick’s Day, many students and staff went all out to help be part of the fun event. A rainbow balloon was set in the middle of the lobby to introduce students and take photos under. Another clover themed backdrop was placed. Students were also able to get their faces painted by student council members.
“This event is for an amazing cause and students and staff seemed to get into the spirit! We feel as though this event has brought together the school community and serves as a reminder of what an incredible and inspiring person Mr. Walsh was for the Naugatuck community. We plan on continuing this tradition for many years to come, “ said Ms. Firmani, another student council advisor.”
Student Council usually hosts an annual kickball tournament, door decorating contests and Mario Kart tournaments. They also host an Olympic event where students from each grade compete against each other.
The Student Council team hopes to make Leprechaun-A-Thon an annual event to continue to honor Mr. Walsh and help the Walsh family.

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